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A new way to trade oil, gas, energy and much more from OilPrice.
Buy and sell over 2200 instruments.

OPCMarkets, a powerful trading platform with low spreads and razor sharp execution speeds brought to you from Oil Price, the leading energy news site.

See The
OPC Markets Difference:

Options for every type of trader

Whether you are an experienced trader, or you are just getting started, we have you covered.

Low spreads

We pride ourselves on offering exceptionally low spreads. As with the rest of our services with OPCMarkets, we are confident you won’t find anything better.

Unparalleled data and analysis

Leverage our tech and insight to make the most of each and every trade you make.

“OPCMarkets is so exciting as it’s the first time the number one resource for energy intelligence has teamed up with a leading global broker to offer tailored trading and investing services for clients who want access to the full suite of energy related products, from oil futures and ETFs to single stocks.”Neil Wilson Chief Market Analyst

“OPCMarkets is going to revolutionise the trading industry- bringing a new way to trade oil, energy and much much more.”James Stafford
CEO of Oil Price

The Tech Redefining
Energy Trading

Analysis Tools

help users analyze data to stay ahead of the markets

Low Spreads

We know spreads are at the top of the list for traders, and we keep ours low

Instantaneous Transactions

will keep you right in the center of the action

VIP Support

is available 24hours

Knowledge Centre

Up to date news, analysis and commentary

Powerful Platform

Trade over 2000 markets

Never miss a trade.
Join today to find out how OPCMarkets can revolutionise your trading experience.
